CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254


Shreya Gupta, Class XII D

“I think I still have some unfinished procrastinating to do from yesterday.”
I plead guilty for just one thing – my mastery over the art of postponing just about anything. Basically, waiting for the last minute to do any said job, just takes a minute and perhaps that’s when it is best done!
I am a perfectionist. Which is just a simple excuse for my habit to postpone any action that I might be expected to take. Procrastination is precisely why it took me over a year to give in my contribution to the blog. Not that I am busy or caught up in a million things. In fact, I am the most jobless (read ‘do not want to study’) person you will find.
But let me tell you, I may delay the hard work, but the final thing is on time. The only thing that has enabled me to write this article is that I am procrastinating some other stuff.
While delaying the Physics homework to complete the Harry Potter series might actually seem quite tempting but can’t help it if being promoted to Class XII has got me riding on an anti-procrastination wave.

PS: I’ll complete my article soon.