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Sep 9, 2024 / Shishukunj MUN 2024

The 16th day of August bore witness to the opening of the Shishukunj MUN 2024. Consisting of over 1300 delegates and spanning an impressive 22 committees ranging from Indian committees like Lok Sabha and AIPPM to committees like the Presidential cabinet of the United States of America to UN organs like UNICEF, this year’s MUN had it all. The opening ceremony of the MUN was just as grand as the MUN itself which was marked by the presence of Dr. Rajnish Jain who besides  being a reputed professor at DAVV was also the first Guardian of the Shishukunj family. 

The theme for this year’s MUN was “Together, Towards, Tomorrow” which  captures the essence of unity and collaboration as we collectively move forward to the future. For 3 full days the school was abuzz with debates, discussions, arguments,  and everything else related to international affairs, lobbying  and of course, public speaking ! Along with the brilliant debates and discussions that all delegates had in their respective committees, the Secretariat managed to get an enthusiastic response from all the delegates as they danced to the tunes of some of the most popular Bollywood songs. The Shishukunj band as well as the combination of Indian and Western dance performances brought life to the enrichment programme.

 As the MUN concluded on the eve of August 18th, and as the  Secretary General delivered their last address to the delegates, they reminded them of the countless memories and bonds they formed and left the delegates more encouraged than ever before to give their best in all future MUNs to come. 

Kudos to the Secretary General, the Secretariat as  well as the entire bureau for conducting such an enriching and exciting conference.


And the Academic Supremacy Continues…

Shishyans have done it again. Shishyans of Grade 3 to 10 have been benchmarked AT PAR with the top 10 ASSET Schools of India, thereby affirming our commitment to providing a world-class education and ensuring that our students receive the best possible opportunities to excel and grow academically.

A one of its kind, internationally acclaimed national level benchmarking  test, Assessment of Scholastic Skills through Educational Testing (ASSET) provides feedback on real learning to students. It pinpoints their academic strengths and weaknesses thereby giving them an accurate picture of where they stand with respect to their peers.

The Ei ASSET is taken by over 350,000 students in over 1,000 best English medium schools every year. Its purpose is not to identify toppers, but to test how well all the students have understood the concepts underlying the school curriculum and not just how well they remember the facts given in the textbooks. 

Here are some insights from the report received for the year 2023!

  • All Shishyans have benchmarked AT PAR WITH TOP 10 ASSET SCHOOLS while 3 Grades have benchmarked ABOVE THE TOP 10 ASSET SCHOOLS!
  • All Shishyans have benchmarked ABOVE AVERAGE NATIONALLY
  • All Shishyans have benchmarked ABOVE AVERAGE WITH THE NEAREST METRO-MUMBAI
  • All Shishyans have benchmarked ABOVE AVERAGE IN THE WEST REGION OF INDIA

We are thrilled to congratulate you on the outstanding academic achievements demonstrated this year. Our students have set a new benchmark for excellence with remarkable performances across all subjects. Your hard work, dedication, and commitment to learning have truly paid off, and we couldn’t be prouder of the collective effort from both students, educators and parents. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to more successes in the future.


Jul 25, 2024 / Cyber Security Session by Mr. Rakshit Tandon

Mr. Rakshit  Tandon, Cyber Security Evangelist  and National Cyber Security Expert delivered an insightful talk on the dangers of misusing social media, emphasizing the delicate balance between its indispensability and potential hazards. He highlighted that while social media is an integral part of modern life, its misuse can lead to serious consequences. Using live examples, Mr. Tandon illustrated cases where individuals were cheated, duped, or blackmailed due to sharing personal information online. His stories were compelling and served as stark warnings about the risks involved. Mr. Tandon advised students to exercise caution and prioritize safety while navigating social media platforms. The talk was highly appreciated by the audience and had a significant impact on the students, prompting them to reflect on their online behaviour. His message resonated deeply, encouraging a more judicious and informed use of social media among the young listeners.

Jul 25, 2024 / Inter House Word Power Competition : Classes VII – VIII

The Word Power competition witnessed an intense battle of words among the four houses, testing their prowess in spelling, usage, and idioms. All the participants were exceptionally well-prepared, showcasing their extensive vocabulary and linguistic skills. 

The competition was fierce, with each house vying for the top spot, making it a true test of wit and knowledge. Enthusiasm was sky high, with both participants and audience members fully engaged in the event. The winners truly proved their mettle, demonstrating exceptional command over the language and earning well-deserved accolades. 

Overall, it was a wonderful and enjoyable event, celebrating the power of words and the joy of learning. The spirited competition not only highlighted the importance of language skills but also fostered a sense of camaraderie and healthy rivalry among the students.

The result of the competition was as follows  :

  • First Position:  Lata Mangeshkar House 
  • Second  Position:    Devi Ahilya  House 
  • Third  Position:    Kalam  House 

Nov 2, 2023 / Shishyans’ Research Paper Gets Published in Prestigious Scientific Journal

We are delighted to announce that our shishyans Madhulika Jadon and Ada Sharma of Class XII-F  have left an indelible mark on the world stage of academia! Their research paper has earned the prestigious honor of being published in the International Journal of Science and Research. The impact of this publication reverberates not only in the corridors of our school but far beyond; showcasing how our students are contributing to the advancement of knowledge and discoveries on a global scale.

Madhulika Jadon has worked on leaf architecture i.e venation of Abutilon indicum species and Ada Sharma has worked on Triumfetta rhomboidae species of Malvaceae family found in Indore city and has analysed various qualitative and quantitative parameters.

Dried leaves from the herbarium were subjected to chemical clearing, staining and microscopic examination. The observations were subjected to discussion with the other similar findings for comparison with national and international research work.

Significance of the Research Papers

These research papers hold the potential to significantly contribute to the recognition and utilisation of leaf architecture as a valuable tool for the identification and study of various plant species. Notably, they underscore the crucial role that leaf architectural characteristics play, particularly during the non-flowering period, offering a means to distinguish and classify plants effectively.

By shedding light on the significance of leaf architecture, these papers elevate the status of these traits as highly useful taxonomic markers, facilitating the differentiation of plant species when traditional flowering indicators may be absent.

As we delve into the specifics of these selected species, it becomes evident that these research papers pave the way for a deeper understanding of this particular species. Moreover, they serve as a valuable resource, providing a foundation upon which future research endeavors can build, unlocking the mysteries of Abutilon indicum and Triumfetta rhomboidae and potentially uncovering new insights into the broader realm of plant biology. This work is expected to be a cornerstone in the ongoing exploration of plant taxonomy and an invaluable resource for further studies on Abutilon indicum Triumfetta rhomboidaeand related plant species.

Review of Madhulika’s Research Paper

“Your thorough exploration of Abutilon indicum and its leaf architecture within the Malvaceae family is truly commendable. The meticulous approach and insightful documentation showcase your passion for the subject and a commendable level of commitment.

Your hard work and detailed study not only reveal your dedication to understanding the complexities of botany but also exhibit a high level of maturity in scientific inquiry. Your research, methodology, and findings speak volumes about your enthusiasm and commitment to the field.”

-Johns Saji

Ms Biotechnology 

John Hopkins University

About the Journal

The International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) is a platform dedicated to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and research. It is an online, Open Access, Double-Blind Peer Reviewed, and Fully Refereed journal committed to providing a platform for researchers worldwide.

With an impact factor of 7.942 this journal is a premier online open-access publication known for its rigorous standards. With over 42,000 published articles, IJSR is a hub of authenticity.

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)’s mission is to provide researchers with an accessible and reliable platform to publish their work. We are focused on quality and accessibility, ensuring that every piece of research is thoroughly reviewed and easily accessible. 

CLICK HERE to Read Ada’s Research Paper
CLICK HERE to Read Madhulika’s Research Paper





Session Break – (Classes IX and XI)


Sanskrit/ French Exam – (Classes VI – VIII)


Maha Shivaratri


Final Examination – (Classes VI – VIII)

Important Facts

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Shishukunj Institute of Educational Research and Training

An initiative for preparing high calibre Pre-primary Educators

SIERT, under the aegis of the Shishukunj Educational Society and Shishukunj group of schools, is now accepting applications for their Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education with Applied Psycology. SIERT is dedicated to train aspiring and employable candidates to be equipped with latest pedagogical practices.

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