CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

Experience Is Better Than Youth

by Aditya Prakash, Class VIII F

“Old is Gold”. The Youth can never take the place of the old and the experienced. The young generation, though may have knowledge of advanced technology, lacks the experience which is one factor that can turn the tables.
This can also be shown by a simple story:-
There was a minister who went to the King with a proposal that all the old people should be executed because they have lived their life and they do not work anymore. They are using the resources of this country for no good. The King who was also young at the time, agreed to this proposal. All the elderly people were killed. In a small village of that country, lived a young man named Bhoja. He did not kill his old father because he loved him and hid him in his house. He took care of all his needs. After a few years, a terrible famine struck the country. Many died because of starvation. Bhoja and all other young men were helpless. Seeds were also not coming into the town and the land was covered in snow. Bhoja pondered upon the issue for a very long time and finally thought to consult his father for the same. His father advised that he should plough the soil along the road side and heat the snow every day. As his father was experienced, he decided to obey his advice. After about four to five months, the crops of various varieties were covering the roadside. The King learned about this man who succeeded in growing the crops and saving them from starvation and sent for him. Bhoja was produced before the king and he told him everything truthfully about his father. King then asked Bhoja’s father why he advised to plough the land and heat the snow, the reply was that when merchants came to sell the seeds some fell on the roadside. Ploughing would cause the seeds to get inside the land and heating the snow would cause it to melt and the seeds will get water. This way crops will be able to grow. The King was highly impressed and decided that no elderly would be killed.
This story is shows how experience is a mighty weapon. Experience can never be gained in a day. It grows on and always keeps on building till the day of our demise. Therefore, use this day for the best and gain maximum experience. Don’t forget, you have 86400 seconds in a day. So make the best of it and utilize each and every second of your life and always strive to make a difference.