CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

Girls Run The World

Author: Aarvee Mishra, Class VI E

I stand as tall as a tree, taller than a man, ready to take over the world. Pictures of numerous brains depict that the world belongs to a man. How very incorrect! Without women, we would be extinct. I do not say that we wish to take a stand in crushing down the males, it is just that we rule the world, and it is high time to make a move.
Feminism gets its rightful place – the highest throne of the world. Orthodox methods have been drilling us down since the very beginning. We simply decline to accept it. We are sick of oppression and discrimination. We’ll fight, alright. We run the world because girls are self-sufficient. A girl does not cry hysterically; she finds a solution. Therefore, girls can do anything a boy can, and even more. She has the power, the self-control to bear and tolerate everything. We run societies, nations and like it or not, the world is in our hands. We need one another for the species to go on and survive.
Despite all problems, we rule the world. It’s ours. We are fierce and sensible to rule the world smoothly; and even if we aren’t, well we’ll take the world either way round. We can fly higher than the stars. Take me as Medusa or take me as an angel, girls run the world.

As quoted by Maya Angelou:
Pretty women wonder where my secrets lie. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size. But when I start to tell them, they think I am telling tales and lies. Then I say: –
It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,
The stride of my steps,
The curl of my lips.
I’m a woman. Phenomenally. A phenomenal woman. That’s me.