CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254


Naisha Kumar, Class X G

Hurting me were my insecurities infinite,
Making my calm mind a dark place
Like the dead silence of a moonless night,
Empty, yet devoid of solace.
I’d feel paranoid, as though being watched.
I’d feel the wretched shadows lurking behind me.
How the ghosts of my past, onto me latched,
Making me vulnerable, but not worth security.
Then one midnight, as I was lying on my bed,
Ready to give up, scared by my inefficacy,
I realised all the vampires I’m scared of, fed
On my fear. All my problems were made of me.
The flaws I refused to accept, were all a part of my identity.
The shadows were the flipside of my own personality.
The snoopy ghosts of my past were what made me.
And now I’m the one who writes my destiny.
I’m aware and proud and at peace with my faults.
My insecurities have become my winning daggers.
The vampires are dead, no longer my halts.
I am who I am, that’s all that matters.