CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254


Author: Rishita Neema, Class XI D

In a moment of hush,
The dark earth tugs at a soul;
Forbidden woods glisten invitingly,
To mysteries that lie beyond.

The one who blows at every hearth,
Creeps unknowingly from behind;
And when the flames extinguish’d,
Morphs into the wind and flies.

Only to long for a forgotten moment in time,
When I rang in true laughter,
And my voice hath not echoed
In empty chambers and ceilings.

My mouth acts in oblivion
Of every comforting song to sing,
A tragic awakening comes by fall
When I dreamt of another joyful spring.

In mortal form my senses
Show the senseless locked away;
And shadows wail as they dissipate
To the touch of falling sunrays.

Carefree gray pebbles here
Part to give people way;
But exist grave stones that instead
Make moving people stay.

In light of strange faces I attempt a disguise
To have only gleeful times treasured for me;
But when the truth erupts in silence,
Every soldier is to buckle and end up falling.

My mind remains devoid,
Of every blissful melody.
Feet that tapped to rhythms on the ground,
Now lay silently below it.