CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

The Charioteer’s Challenging Journey

Author: Aradhya Rathi, Class VI F

It was a rainy day,
The Charioteer rode on without any delay.
The umbrellas were open, the sky was dense,
The people looked pale and tense.

The Charioteer was longing for something,
It was his favorite weather – spring.
Spring had gorgeous flowers and giggling children playing in the park,
He loathed the monsoon weather,
As it soon became dark.

It was difficult for him to ride,
As the rain increased because of its pride.
Soon, a match started between the charioteer and the rain,
The charioteer was hard working, but the rain was proud because it
could flip a train.

The charioteer was determined to reach his goal,
But the Earth was filled with water, due to the rain, as a big bowl.
The wheels started to do rock and roll,
It seemed as if the rain had started taking an expensive toll.

The rain now had become quite pleased with itself,
And now it had been laughing like an elf.
The wind now got annoyed,
So the clouds that were causing the rain got destroyed.

The sun shone out and its rays touched the charioteer,
Causing to end the problems he had to bear.
“Never give up or never give out,
Always stay strong and stout”.