CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

The Daring Duo

Author: Anika Vyas, Class VI D+E

Once Lisa and Jennie were at a coffee shop. It was the most famous coffee shop in their town. They were enjoying their snacks when Lisa spotted a person across the street in the alley. She thought that the person was spying on them. So she talked about it to Mrs. Ross, the owner of the coffee shop and she told Lisa and Jennie that she had gotten complaints like this before and apparently the person was spying on the shop. 

Lisa described to Mrs. Ross how the spy looked. Mrs. Ross thought that they should call the police but Jennie told her that if the police would come Mrs. Ross would have to close the shop for inspection and they had no proof that the person was spying on them, so she said that first they had to put CCTV cameras at the front of the shop. So that’s what Mrs. Ross did. 

Once the cameras were installed they caught the person looking into the shop with binoculars and then they gave the recordings to the police. The next day they made a plan that the police would hide in the alley and catch the unknown person. The cops hid behind a dumpster and caught the person and took him in for interrogation. 

The cops got to know that he was working for a person named Brian Callaghn who was suspected of stealing some royal jewels which were on exhibit a few years ago. Brian was paying the man for spying on Mrs. Ross’s shop but Brian’s location was still unknown and because of Lisa and Jennie the cops decided to form a search committee for finding Brian and they told the mayor to give them matching badges saying “The Daring Duo”. 

The next day they saw posters on the walkways with wanted signs for Brian Callaghn. And some weeks later there was a news report saying a flight attendant named Ellie Kim had found Brian in New-Jersey at the airport leaving for Hong-Kong. Right after the news about Brian there was another news report about Lisa and Jennie saying that they were the reason Brian was found and arrested.