CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

The Musical Brawl

Author: Sarva Mishra, Class VI G

The clock strikes. The seventh graders scurried towards the library, jostling,  edging each other like sardines in a can. Kim was the band leader and was followed by the others. The music competition was nearing and it was building up a frenzy.

They hurried into the library where they were hastily silenced by the firm librarian. They gingerly stepped towards the rows of brightly colored books cramped on the towering book cases, a world of words waiting to be raided. They glanced towards the poetry section which consisted of spectacular bindings with golden letters engraved like inscriptions on a monument. They seated themselves with the screeching sound of the chairs disturbing the golden silence of the ambience, again to be hushed.

Soon a cacophony of noise could be heard in the corridors and the eighth graders entered laughing and chattering joyfully. They sat in a remote corner whispering and giggling. The musty pages wafts antique melodious songs from the books to the lips of the band. Kim was entirely in a trance with the songs around him This particular song had touched his heart.

The eighth graders were constantly irritating him. She was getting distracted. This was also compelling her to get out of the magical world she was meandering in. She cast a warning look towards the other group only to be ignored. They gave her a cold shoulder.

Kim and the band were livid. They agitatedly walked towards them and what followed was a brawl. The librarian tried to intervene but it was too late. The picturesque song book lay all over with the tattered pages relating another story.