CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Don’t Give Up

Amaysikirti Khurasia, Class IX F

From a father to his son:
Don’t give up ‘coz you are the one,
You will shine bright as the sun.
Keep on trying till the work is done,
Don’t give up ‘coz you are the one.
Your bruises will remind you of your falls,
You’ll keep on working ‘coz you’re not a doll.
I know you’ll achieve big things, your dreams aren’t small,
One day you’ll reach the top and read this poem for all.
Make winning your passion, not a trade,
‘coz my child, I know you won’t give up,

You are the one, bright as the sun.