CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

A Slum-Dog Is Definitely Not a Millionaire

Anushka Mimani, Class X B

Whether its the innocent puppy hiding behind the bushes, or the strong and ferocious looking dog barking at every person he sees, they are a creation of god and have as much right to live as any other creature on this planet. They have done nothing to be treated ruthlessly and crushed under vehicles every now and then. Sadly, that is exactly what is happening in Indore today.
Street dogs are being beaten to death by their own so called “best friends”. They are being harassed and are frowned upon by most in the society. Children enjoy throwing stones at them and scaring them away with a stick. This makes the dogs angry and they attack the children.

The Municipal Corporation is trying to curb the ever-growing population of street dogs in Indore. They are sterilizing and vaccinating the dogs against various diseases. This makes the dogs infertile and stops them from reproducing. This process is expensive and almost Rs. 900 is spent per dog which includes vaccination, sterilization and caring for the dogs after the process for a day or two. Then the dogs are sent back to wherever they had come from.

Several NGO’s like ‘Aware’ are also spreading awareness about this issue among the masses. Donations are being given. But it is still not enough. With such a large number, the impact of this operation is minimal. But if this continues, slowly but surely, the number of stray dogs would reduce and these dogs would finally have a real home with people to take care of them.