CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Autumn Leaves

Author: Prashashti Jain, Class VIII G

It’s time to set them free

Do you know why leaves fall out,
When it’s all dry and autumn falls?
They work hard all summer, day and night
Till fall comes out.

Have you ever thought why the leaves come out?
When the wind is high and they wither.
You might think they all just die being a loser.

But have you thought that they worked over time,
Tired yet just working fine?
Don’t you think that they all deserve
Care and love, from mother nature?

Don’t you think it’s time to set them free?
Hence, they fall off from the trees,
Back to mother nature’s seek.


Life can change colours as quick as a chameleon,
Everyone can be as dumb as the donkey or as fierce as a lion.

Life is unpredictable,
Not always detectable.
It can show its best side,
As well as its worst.

Life shows many colours,
Colours of sadness, joy, anger, jealousy, loneliness and others.

It can show its glory,
But only to those who can think of it.

Hence,the colours of life are felt,
Not got on rent.