CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Existence – an Illusion

Iti Kathed, Class X D

Is the world we’re living in, real,
Or everything in here is just an illusion?
Do we know what we are
Or we would be anyone
People would want us to be in that hour?
Life is so certainly uncertain
Everyone knows that
Though only some accept
And others deny this fact.
We wish our happiness is perpetual
But we don’t ever want to feel sad
It’s so weird that we easily forget
That our journey is more important
Than the destination we’re designed for.
Judging and scrutinizing is so easy
If others are the targets
But it is so ironical when it comes to ourselves
We aren’t even capable to examine.
Life is a mixture
Everybody knows
Nothing is constant
Is the happiest and saddest part of it though.