CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Life Without Dreams

Parin Agrawal, Class VIII B

Today, our world is full of tensions. To survive in such a world is very difficult. A way to be free from this tension and lead a worry-free life is through dreams. Imagine how a life would be without dreams. The poem describes such a life.
Life without dreams is
Like a painting without colour.
Life without dreams is
Like ocean without water.
Life without dreams is
Like a wallet without money.
Life without dreams
Would sound so funny,
Life without dreams is
Like a tree without leaves.
Life without dreams
Will only give grief.
Dreams are so important
As a key is to a lock.
Dreams are as important
As the wheels are to a car.
Dreams inspire us
Dreams encourage us
Dreams set aim
And aim brings the flame.
So friends,
Can you imagine

A life without dreams?