CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Little Women

Vasudha Gupta, Class X D
“Well, at least it had some effect on your writing skills!” exclaimed Elizabeth. Jane brightened up and both of them thought back to the events of the previous week.
‘Mahika stood outside the Principal’s office gathering courage to go inside and talk to her but she did not know whether the Principal would believe her.” Jane tore that page off her notebook and crumpled it into yet another ball. “Ah! Why can’t I ever write or even start a reasonably amazing story?”
“That’s because you never try to relate it to life such that it instantly bonds with the listeners.” Elizabeth piped in.
This is what had happened a week ago and Jane had snapped, “Please Elizabeth!” and walked out of the room.
Jane had always tried to be verbose but in the process forgot to connect it to the readers or add emotions of any kind.
But soon after, Jane read ‘Little Women’ and understood the importance of caressing the need of simplicity and tried to make her writing more realistic.
Soon, she moved away from loquaciousness, but she also felt happy and contented.
Elizabeth shook her, bringing her back to the present. Jane heaved a big sigh, not knowing whether of relief or grief.