CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239


Anushka Sharma, Class VII B

Nature, nature, everywhere,
Don’t destroy it anywhere.
It gives you food and clothes to wear,
Fulfilling your needs everywhere.
But we’re destroying it
Do you know that?
Just for fun or a fancy hat.
Don’t let spoiling nature become your flair,
Or you’ll damage things beyond repair.
Listen carefully, I’m not imposing any rule on you,
My simple plea is –
Don’t destroy nature, try something new.

The Stars

It was late night and very dark,
With only some little spark,
And I was having some apple tart.
They were indeed some stars,
Just as charming as bright little flowers.
Their surge of silver,
Was their urge to shimmer.
The scene was quite a sight,
And with some of my little might,
I went outside to enjoy the wonderful night.

My Pet

I remember the day, when I got my pet,
From then I was never scared to sleep on my bed.
It’s impossible to imagine
My life without him,
Now that I have given
Him the name Kim.
Causing trouble has become his flair,
So I don’t have any time to spare.
I love my pet a lot,
Especially when it makes some naughty plot.
I love to watch him
With coffee and tea,
Living with him has become
My daily routine.
He and I love to play with clay,
And now it’s impossible to stay,

Without him even for a day.