CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Nature’s Revenge

Author: Advaita Shukla, Class IX E

Unthinkable! Unimaginable! Exaggerated!
Write a story that can be aptly called so.
Dharmendra had just returned from his duty. He was tired. Some poachers had entered the forest that day and Dharmendra and his team had to work all day to drive them out of the forest. After having a wholesome meal, Dharmendra lay down in his bed. He thought of reading a book.
A few minutes later, a loud thundering sould was heard in the room. Dharmendra was confused. He ran to the window to find out what had happened. He was surprised at the sight in front of him.
The trees – they were uprooted! ‘An earthquake’, he thought to himself although he did not recall having felt any movement of the earth. He had not expected what happened next. Just as he was about to call his friends to ask if everything was fine, the sound was heard again.
Dharmendra saw that the trees were walking! They moved towards the roads and buildings adjacent to the wild-life sanctuary. They destroyed the roads, demolished the buildings and crushed whatever came their way.


‘This is nature’s revenge, I guess’, Dharmendra said to himself moments before the forest took him down.