CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Excursion to Ranthambor – Class VIII

March 9 2019

Students of Class VIII went on an excursion to Ranthambor Wild Life Sanctuary soon after their Final Exams in March 2019.

They all agree that it was an excursion to remember- the early morning rides on the canters to spot the King of the Jungle, listening to a talk by an expert on wildlife, watching the documentary The Tiger Queen , the visit to the Rajiv Gandhi museum of Natural History and of course the DJ night – all added up to make it a wonderful trip. Much to their delight , most of the students did spot the tigress and her cubs.

Besides the sight seeing and fun, a lot many life skills were learnt during this 4 day trip – learning to adjust in a new environment, adjusting with class mates, learning to be independent, respecting and appreciating the environment, were just a few of them.

Travelling to and from Ranthambor by train seemed to be an experience in itself – the students passed their time playing UNO, Taboo, singing songs or just chatting.

Overall this trip was a great learning experience for all the students and the accompanying educators.
