CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Teachers’ Day Celebration

September 5 2019

The Teachers’ Day Celebrations organized in the school celebrated the love and respect that the students have for their teachers.

Following the tradition, this year too, senior students got an opportunity to manage junior classes and get the sense of being a teacher. This was followed by a Grand Teachers’ Day Celebration organized by Class XII. The Inter-House Fusion Dance Competition marked the beginning of the event, and participants danced in various Indian and Western forms, leaving the audience in awe. The celebration was given a retro touch to bring back the time of our teachers’ childhood. Various items of the program included a skit, a series of dance performances, a parody of old melodies by the band, an interactive session, and a heart-touching poem by Amaysikirti Khurasia. The program concluded with a nostalgic video compiling teachers’ day wishes from students of Classes II- XII. The event was indeed heartfelt gratitude from all students to the teachers.
