CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Solemn Orison

Author: Mallika Chatterjee, Educator

Sitting inside my comfortable confinement as I was minutely observing the tiny bird fluttering her wings and the vibrant coloured butterfly dancing with grace on the hanging garden at the rhythmic beat of gentle breeze, I heard a tender tap on the window pane. On keen inspection, I found a milky white night-blooming Jessamine, stretching her limbs as if inviting me to join this splendid august  gathering, as if asking me in satire, “Humans, the strongest creation of Almighty, why are you caged helplessly inside your crafty castle, detached from the serene touch of nature?”

I was speechless as I knew that the present calamity was the follow-up of the brutality of my race only and that the mightiest king -TIME had brought everything back to square one. Covid-19 pandemic is forsooth the best possible example of situational irony.

The star-studded sky is transparently clear. The air around us is no more suffocated with the fumes of carbon dioxide. The roads and streets are absolutely spic and span. Every element of nature is rejoicing and celebrating this heaven like aura except the most intelligent human being, who is sitting in isolation with no goal and zest in life, constantly haunted by an invisible demon which has choked everyone with despair and uncertainty.

With a feel to emerge out of the mundane lockdown and defy the paradoxical comment-This is the beginning of the end, I a simple living being with least understanding about religion and politics, then prayed to GOD to be our SAVIOUR.

GOD then answered, “My child, if you find Disney out of magic, if you find the  Statue of Liberty doesn’t stand anymore, if you find power, beauty and money are worthless, REMEMBER this is an alarm to make you understand that the world continues to be beautiful without you. You are not NECESSARY for nature. You are just the guest and not the master anymore. Ecology works better when the worth of every member of nature is realized, respected and preserved and not endangered. So, first change yourself and then think of changing this universe. “

This shocking message jerked me to my core. Once again, I found myself sitting in my cage, admiring nature but alas! with a load of guilt…