CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Starry Night

Author: Soumya Jamoriya, Class VI C

Starry Night
A never-ending black page
with tiny stars shining with rage.
A sphere with different shapes
which can’t escape.
A starry night with some bright light.
This is a dream of every child
Shooting stars roaming here and there,
and kids making wishes with prayers.
Counting the never-ending stars,
makes me think of some chocolate bars.
Thanks to God for the wonderful night,
but the thoughts in my mind make me write.


English, French, Hindi, and Spanish
all types of books are there.
Every book is a pattern of thoughts,
Whenever I buy one more, I get caught.

Reading books feels like heaven but
putting them in order sounds like a

Whenever a writer sets down a book,
everybody loves to read it even sitting in a nook.

Painting your thoughts into words is a great skill
if you try you may get wings.


Albert Einstein made me shine
An eternal remembrance of a man
whom we still call a genius gem.
The man who made the formula E=mc2.
Which made the scientists aware, energy is everywhere.
This is Albert Einstein
Who made people believe they might shine.
The man known for his knowledge
gave people inspiration to go to college.
The world-renowned man
never lets people keep down their pens.
This is Albert Einstein
who made people believe they might shine.


A minus sign that makes your
value less in line.
The sign that is opposite of his friends
and is never the dividend.
Zero is its best friend
and is always on the left end.
These are integers
And are totally different from others.
Minus and minus make a plus
but before solving you must discuss.
A batch of negative numbers
trying to get greater and
toddlers learning them from stickers.
These are integers
and are totally different from others.


Yellow, red, orange and green
all these colours are bright and clean.
Together they make a masterpiece.
It’s my pleasure to make it in peace.

In the morning sitting outside in front
of the giant sun, I jump onto the stool
with one paint brush in my left hand
and another in my right.

It’s my dream to see the nature’s beauty
as a painting with lots of creativity.
Picasso is my best friend and my paintings
Are my family.

My drawers are full of sketchbooks
but my heart is full of colours.
Every evening when I paint a masterpiece,
It gives everybody a smile of cheese.
Every day I get perfection by the grace of God, and I paint a painting
as beautiful as the book of God.

One creature standing upon another.
One is the child and the second the mother.
Monsters trying to eat creatures
and hiders hiding from seekers.
These are known as doodles and
are as good looking as noodles.
These black and white creatures are
Sometimes quite colourful and are very loveable.
Lines going from left to right,
are sometimes very light.
Some are naughty,
Some are nice,
Some are giant
some are puny.
These are known as doodles and
are as good looking as noodles.