CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

Staying in the Wild

Author: Ridima Jaju, Class VI E

Once in the dense forests,  

My family, my friends, and I were invited as guests. 

We saw a ferocious lion, 

Who followed my friend, Ryan! 

We tried to rescue him, 

And we had a win! 

We heard the swaying of boughs, 

And saw some wild cows. 

My friend took me,  

Under the shade of a gigantic tree. 

Soon we fell asleep, 

While the others swam in the deep. 

My sister played a prank on me, 

She took my specs so that I couldn’t see! 

When I woke up, I searched for them, 

As they were my dearest gem. 

I scolded her with frightening eyes,  

Then she started her crocodile cries. 

I told her to stop her tries, 

And give me my gems of eyes! 

When we were off to explore the jungle,  

My sister and brother started a ‘dangal’

I told them to calm down,  

And stop giving me a frown! 

We appreciated the wonderful creation of god, 

Then I suddenly splashed in the pond! 

This was the end of our trip, 

Which we enjoyed with a soup sip.