CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239 Jhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1030239

The Sleepless Night

A story by Aditi Singh of IX C.

A night on the terrace – all thanks to the power cut! 

It is the most irritating thing when there’s a power cut during the night when you are about to vanish into the sweet world of dreams with all the comforts of life, no tensions, no work-stress; and you have to sleep on the terrace in the hot weather in the lap of mosquitoes! 
With much difficulty, you adjust yourself on the terrace, all set and ready to sleep. As you lie down, a mosquito comes and bites you. You ignore the first bite and try to sleep when another one comes. You are tolerant. You try to ignore the first few bites but when it becomes too much for you, you lose patience and your temper and begin dancing about trying to kill the mosquitoes.

For about half-an-hour you dance like that and you are tired and exhausted and try to go back to sleep. This time you feel it’s too hot and you are not able to sleep. You twist and turn, trying to lure sleep into your eyes and finally give up all attempts and sit up. You declare that you are not going to sleep at all. 

After 2-3 hours of boredom, it gets cooler and you relent and want to try to sleep again. But when you lie down, sleep has vanished again. You feel very angry and pity yourself. When you finally do feel sleepy, it is time to wake up. 

And when somebody looks at your puffy eyes and asks you what had happened, you say, “I had a long sleepless night.”