CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

Classroom to Zoom

Dear Teachers

From blackboard◾ to screen sharing,

You never stopped caring.


From chalk to chat,

You did not get mad.


From notes📝 to screenshots,

You have always taught.


From offline to online👩‍💻,

You always give time.


From sports🏃‍♀️ to clubs,

You have made our skills brushed.


From class to Meet,

You have taught us to be sweet.🤗


From school🏫 to home🏠,

You have always been better than Chrome.


From keep quiet 🤫to speak up,🗣️

Things are now easy which were before tough.


From conventional to technical📱,

The journey was difficult,

But YOU did not give up.


At last I would like to say nothing but a Big THANK YOU,🙏

For all you have done to make our future bright,👧👦

And filled with delight.😇🤩


What is black ?
A colour
Absence of colour

I am BLACK. I love my darkness in the night. I am the essence of
art who brings all colours together, not tear them apart.
I am in the black hole as it says and polished shoes of children and
I am the colour to be handled with care as I am present in the
universe everywhere.
In the eyeballs I’m there allowing to see the world out there.
One might wonder the arrival of beauty and gladness of the sun
shining bright due to my calmness in the night .
I am the fear present in a dark room,
I am the smoke of a burning fire,
I am the worst thing that can ever happen,
I am a mystery and symbolize the depth of life.
The colour of life.