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CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

Book Review: The Da Vinci Code

Dravya Shah, Class VII C

Art By: Dravya Shah, VII C

This novel is a mystery-detective novel by Dan Brown. It follows Symbologist Robert Langdon and cryptologist Sophie Neveu after a murder in the Louvre Museum in Paris, when they become involved in a battle between the Priory of Sion and Opus Dei over the possibility of Jesus Christ having been a companion to Mary Magdalene.

The title of the novel refers, among other things, to the finding of the first murder victim in the Grand Gallery of the Louvre, naked and posed similar to Leonardo da Vinci’s famous drawing, the Vitruvian Man, with a cryptic message written beside his body and a pentacle drawn on his chest in his own blood.
This novel was full of thrill that is yet to be seen by other readers who are keen to seek an adventure full of thrill and action and excitement. You’ll grow into this book and feel yourself as a character living in the experience.
Utilizing your time by reading good books makes you live your life to the fullest!

These were my opinions about this beautiful piece of writing and if you all are into reading books then definitely you have to read this book.

Little Women

Vasudha Gupta, Class X D
“Well, at least it had some effect on your writing skills!” exclaimed Elizabeth. Jane brightened up and both of them thought back to the events of the previous week.
‘Mahika stood outside the Principal’s office gathering courage to go inside and talk to her but she did not know whether the Principal would believe her.” Jane tore that page off her notebook and crumpled it into yet another ball. “Ah! Why can’t I ever write or even start a reasonably amazing story?”
“That’s because you never try to relate it to life such that it instantly bonds with the listeners.” Elizabeth piped in.
This is what had happened a week ago and Jane had snapped, “Please Elizabeth!” and walked out of the room.
Jane had always tried to be verbose but in the process forgot to connect it to the readers or add emotions of any kind.
But soon after, Jane read ‘Little Women’ and understood the importance of caressing the need of simplicity and tried to make her writing more realistic.
Soon, she moved away from loquaciousness, but she also felt happy and contented.
Elizabeth shook her, bringing her back to the present. Jane heaved a big sigh, not knowing whether of relief or grief.

Two Paths

Riddhi Singhania, Class X D

Once diverged two paths
Lying adjacent to each other
Then came a distant traveller
But where to go, he muttered.
Here said the first path
No, here, said the second
The traveller stood thinking there
Where should I go, he reckoned.
The paths began to fight again
Trying to coax the passerby
But the traveller refused to hear and said
Instead, I would like to fly.
So up he went over the paths
Both looked as stunned as ever
And then again a traveller came
But the paths didn’t fight, never.

The Road Which Was Taken

Zubin Turakhia, Class IX E

…And that has made all the difference,
Now as I wander in the woods
Trying to find my way out
There I see Grim Reapers under their hoods
Staring at this uncertain lout.
Alas! I have lost my way
Should I go on or turn back
But my soul said, face the obstacles ahead that lay
With confidence that you don’t lack.
I have entered a grassy stretch of meadows
Across which a diabolic jungle was present
On entry I see growling shadows
Which belong to wolves maleficent.
I prod my steed to race through
That dangerous wood
I again see a rainbow, with sky clear and blue
It is crowded, with no place for me
But it doesn’t hamper my mood.
I have made my place in the far right
As it is, the road taken was a 100% right.

Dance of the Dewdrop

Tanu Rajangaonkar, Class X

The green, soft, luminous plain
Was showered by a drop.
Like the cravings of the crops
On the land above.
Slipping down through the velvet
Crawling with a snake’s fate;
Opaqueness lost, clear as a crystal
The world could be seen through
With a panoramic view.
The twirls and turns
Like a york of a belle dancer;
Clicked by the world
Which conjectures
‘Is this the best picture?’
Unlike, subjects of a kingdom
Who follow the mainstream,
This is a brook on a leaf
Cutting down the way.

School Days

School DaysRiddhi Singhania, Class X D

The days of school, you’ll never forget,
The fun and punishments that you get.
The friends, giggles, gossips and more,
Will remain in you till you get to four score!

Life is a journey…Riddhi Singhania, Class X D

Go ahead, walk ahead
Run ahead all day
Because life is nothing
But roads all the way.
You start like a pram
And then speed-up like a car
After you become an adolescent
You will have reached quite far.
Then too, the road is ahead
It will never come to top
And even if you grow too old
It will take you to the top!


Aditya Tiwari, Class X D

Dawn, a hero, a savior after the long darkness of night. It brings light and along with it life to the sleeping world. It brings warmth. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing dawn from a hill or a valley. It signifies strength and tells the people to get up from their sleep. It shows us to never give up and keep moving towards our goal. it is the most beautiful thing one can witness. Dawn gives us a message – Never stop trying because real failure only prevails when we stop trying.

Akansha Naneria, Class X D

See, it is out there, the smile of heaven.
People like to wake up and go out in the fresh air,
Take a walk in the ground.
The nature is fresh.
The dew drops are on the grass
We take a stroll there.
Loving nature is my passion.
The sky has pink cotton candy puffed clouds
In the sky this morning.
The sky is orange grey in colour.
I like this morning.
It is nature we like.
Love the nature.

Riddhi Singhania, Class X D

See! It is out there, the smile of the heaven, the blessing of the sun, touching not our body, but our soul, enlightening it with sacred purity. The round ball of fire, or rather energy, rises from over the horizon, waking up the old dreaming world into a new fresh morning. Deep in the heart of the sun, the crimson colour reflects a kaleidoscopic panorama, soothing every viewer’s eyes. The light of the sun is like the hand of a mother, beckoning her child to go ahead and fulfill all aspirations in the day to come.

Siddhant Athawale, Class X D

Dawn is an ignition to life in every living being on earth. It signifies the departure of darkness and arrival of brightness of light which calls for happiness and prosperity, for all. It’s the beginning of a new day, a new story and new experiences unknown to everyone. As the yellow-orange ball of fire rises up, it turns the orange-red overcast sky to blue. The thing which adds icing to the cake is the greenery, the fresh air and the beautiful chirping of the birds which feels soothing to our ears. This indicates only one message – ‘Never look back in life and always move forward and think of the present.’