CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

The Time of My Life

Unthinkable! Unimaginable! Exaggerated!
Write a story that can be aptly called so.
It was the year 2500 BC and I was on the planet C-58. Well, I am the richest, the coolest and the best god of the universe. Oops! Multiverse.
I was accompanied by Iron Man, Thanos and Ra, who were my personal bodyguards. Well, I was travelling by my Godly enchant car – Gody (I think in some universe it is called Audi).
Since I was bored, I teleported myself as I was working on an exciting project of creating gaming worlds, which I liked to call ‘Gamelands’.
The idea wa simple – people would be blessed with whatever they did not wish for, like reverse psychology. If anyone did not follow the rules, they would be kicked out of the servers. Well, that’s on them!
So, where was I? Yes, I was teleporting to one such world to fix the problems there. Then I would sleep on the planet for eons or mayble I would mix the films Avengers: Endgame and Avatar to create the biggest blockbuster. I am so talented! I am proud of myself. In it I would combine all the forces to fight Thanos and at the end the Thanos master would surrender and the Avengers would let him play cricket with them against my God’s Eleven.



Rumpelstiltskin, Rumpelstiltskin,
From hay to gold he could spin,
A room of it,
Sitting in the heat,
He could spin all day and night,
But then over the Queen’s child he would fight.
“Guess my name and you would be free.”
So the Queen guessed, “Tom, Timber, Timothy?”
But to all her answers he would say, “No.”
Then he went home laughing and saying,
“My name is Rumpelstiltskin. Ho!”
The clever Queen had sent by a very good spy,
To get his name and when she did, she wanted to fly.
The next day when he came, the Queen started guessing,
“Timber, Tom, Timothy or Tuessing?”
“No”, answered the man, who could from hay gold spin,
Then the Queen slyly asked, “Is it Rumpelstiltskin?”
The man was so angry that his foot he stamped,

And turned into a shelf of books all together crammed!

A Poem about Harry Potter

This poem can give you a sneak-peek into the world of a famous fictional child wizard – the famous Harry Potter who has made a mark in the nooks and crannies of every bookshop! He has enchanted and transported me and several others like me into a wizarding world full of magic.
JK Rowling weaves a tale
Of blood, a lightning scar, and wafting veil
A boy through courage, truth, and pain
Finds he has been the one decreed to defeat Hogwart’s bane.
A gifted boy to reckon, I must say
The magic he does and his amazing skills in Quidditch is no child’s play
He could speak Parseltongue and talk to snakes
A quality possessed only by the greatest of the greats.
The Sorting Hat has put him in the scarlet, chivalrous Gryffindor
But right now, he is just a first-year; he’s got lot’s to explore
He is yet to separate from his rival Draco Malfoy, of the emerald Slytherin.
And his true-blue sidekicks Crabbe and Goyle, whose stout faces are always incomplete without their silly grin.
Harry is the one, Yes, he is the chosen one
Who only ends when he gets his job done.
Potter must overcome his dreaded fear
And muster his bravery to be ready to tear
The soul of the perilous Lord Voldemort
Who could only be defeated by a true Gryffindor’s sword.
Lying in his heart is a fiery burning desire most true
The strength to incessantly pursue
The remnant pieces of the soul,
Torn away, that once was whole
The one thing hardest in a heart
To kill another, to break apart
These souls from life and leave them dead
A venturesome path that he must tread .
There’s friendship, love, betrayal too
Brooms, magic wands and potions brew
Our dear boy Harry – wish him well!
As the author pens down one final spell
We’ll say good-bye and sorely miss
Her world of heroes, villains (and the Basilisk’s hiss!)
But we’ll revisit and be caught
In her web of magic taught
At Hogwarts and Harry’s true home

A place we dearly love to roam.

The World of English

Come along with me,
I’ll take you to a world
Where everything you will find same
But a bit changed.
There are verbs which do action
But you will learn more
If you come along with me.
I’ll take you to a world so grand.
Idioms which make language funny
Will mean more when you understand it.
Just like it are proverbs
Come along with me
I’ll take you to their world.
A bit of fun is there
But don’t take it lightly
If you do, you won’t proceed.
Come along with me

I’ll take you into the world of English.

Reading is Fun!

Shubh Nagda, Class VI B

I love to read poems,
As it has many acts.
And I love to read books,
Which contain lots and lots of facts.
Reading is great fun,
That too my favourite author.
Oh! There is a mistake,
But does it really matter?
There are many interesting stories,
‘Treasure Island’ and ‘Harry Potter’
Which are just fabulous
So dads read it to their sons and daughters.
One should indulge in reading,
As it imparts wisdom.
Try to make it your habit,

And include this knowledge in your kingdom.

The English Class

Ojasvi Sethia, Class VII C

Is it a verb?
Is it a noun?
What part of speech is a clown?
To run, to speak, to talk,
These words we cannot mock.
The English lesson has begun,
Sharpen your wits, take out your pens,
We will not learn tenses that barely make sense!
English is easy but spellings are tough,
Take for example: cough, stuff, muff and rough (get it?!)
We learn prepositions, adjectives and adverbs,
Conjunctions, commas, semicolons and all.
But believe it or not SVA makes us all stall
Should it be ‘is’ or ‘are’, is it ‘have’ or ‘has’
Is there an ‘s’ or not, is it a form of ‘be’
That’s for us to see.
Reading comprehension is always a blast,
So we like to keep it for the last.
Questions from the context are simple,

And can be done in a twinkle.

The Castle of Broken Dreams

Rishita Neema, Class X B

It was another monotonous day in London. But not for Bill Roberts. He was always very enthusiastic and full of life. Whenever anyone felt sad, they knew who to approach first. As Bill was returning to his house, he realised that the streets were almost empty. It didn’t make sense to him, but nothing was going to spoil his mood. All of a sudden, he felt a shove and fell to the ground.
“No one is waiting for you at home, Mr. Roberts. Why don’t you spend the rest of your life with us?” A surprised Bill turned to face two weird-looking green men. But before he could say anything, one of the men shot a green laser at him and everything went black.
When he woke up, he rubbed his eyes. He was in a dark and misty place. At first he heard nothing, but then he heard someone weeping. For once, he didn’t care. He suddenly felt despair, so much grief! All his dreams had been shattered. He would not be able to do anything.
Yet, he got up. In the corner of the room he saw some people who were either crying of were lost in abject misery. For the sake of those people, he couldn’t be sad. He had to help. He simply knew he wanted to help them.
He approached a little girl and asked her, “Where are we?”
“This is the Castle of Broken Dreams.”
He asked, “Why is everyone sad?”
A young man replied, “Because we are lost. Our dreams are broken.”
Bill Roberts spoke in a cheerful tone, “Do you know, I want to go to the beach. I want to collect shells. I have a dream to make an awesome collection of shells. Oh come on everyone. We all have dreams. These monsters can’t take them away from us.”
His words had an immediate effect. They all smiled. And then everything went black again.
They all woke up together near a beach.
“We are free!”, they screamed with delight.
“Yes, we are free. Free to dream and to believe in who we want to be.”
Feeling the happiness of a man who had done a good deed, Bill returned home. Though he was never able to explain those two green men, he felt joyous to have made people dream, because dreaming was everyone’s joy and right too!

Mars – The Green Planet

Shruti Laddha, Class X B

“No one is waiting for you at home, Mr. Roberts. Why don’t you spend the rest of your life with us?” A surprised Bill turned to face two weird-looking green men who were creepily smiling at him and waiting for an answer. This was the first thrill he had experienced during his expedition to Mars. He inspected the two creatures, wide-eyed. They had large ears popping out of their weirdly small heads. They had webbed hands and feet, like those of a salamander.
Bill stuttered, “Hello! My name is Bill Roberts. Who are you?”
One of the green creatures replied, “I am Sirl and this is my friend Kaa. You are from Earth. Come with us.” Saying this, they led Bill to a large dome like structure.
Bill was astonished at the sight. So many green little things were roaming around, busy with their work. As soon as Kaa clapped to gain attention, all the faced turned towards Bill. Sirl announced, “Friends! This creature is from Earth.” This was followed by Bill being examined by the green people. They found him to be an interesting subject. They treated Bill like a king. He was given shakes, burgers, candies and was adorned with a satin cape. Bill learned a lot about Mars and its people. He realised that they could read his mind and then, all of it made sense.
He had the time of his life, after which he requested some of the technological experts to repair his spaceship. They did so in a minute! Reluctantly, Bill bid farewell to all his new buddies and got into his spaceship.
It zoomed off back to Earth. Bill had amazing experiences to share when he got back. He knew, no one would believe him, yet he wanted to narrate his story to everyone. After all, his childhood dream of being friends with aliens had come true!


Rashi Soni, Class VI F

It feels so good to be out and free,
Jumping hurdles or climbing a tree.
This is what I truly call life,
Like in your heart has been thrust joy’s knife.
He runs and plays and shouts of joy,
Playing pirates and shouting “Land Ahoy”.
Then he comes and nicely sleeps,
Until the sun from amongst the clouds peeps.
Again he wakes and plays and runs,

And thus again all the fun begins.