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CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254


Poem by Hridhima Tyagi, Class VII B

Diwali is a festival,

of crackers and lights,

everything becomes so glittery,

even the nights.

Everyone is so happy,

full of excitement and gaiety,

crackers are burnt,

Throughout  the day and night.

The streets are full of people,

Swarming through the markets.

Numerous crackers are bought,

And sweets’ packet.

The houses are cleaned,

and sweets are stacked.

The diyas are lit

the  gifts are packed.

Every year it’s the same ,

but with a different hue.

There is  excitement in the air,

The heart’s desire is new.
Happy Diwali to all of you!

Who Will Cry When You Die? By Robin Sharma

Reviewed by Mr Gaurav Singh, Library Manager


‘When you are born, the world rejoices while you cry. Live a life in such a way that when you DIE, the world should cry and you rejoice’ – (Lines from the Book Who Will Cry When You Die).

As I started reading this book I realized how the author has pointed out how very small things in our daily routine life can be of consequence. It is we who can make our life good or bad. We should love and care what we have. Each chapter of this book will connect with your life and help you to be a better person in life.

I think this is a great inspirational book. It guides readers towards enlightenment. When you read this book, it will definitely leave you feeling inspired and motivated to change some things about your life and live better! 

I was highly inspired by this book and strongly recommend that you should read it too.

The Gift called ‘PRESENT’

Paridhi Dass -Class XII

Student Editor

How often do we dwell on our past, fantasize about our future but forget to cherish the present? How many of us wake up and hurry to be a part of the worldly commotion without realizing that it’s a start to a new day with endless possibilities ? How many of us actually live in the present, without a glance at the past or a peep into the future?

Most of our days are full to the brim with the activities and daily chores that make us ‘possessed’ to do a particular task. The worry of a mistake committed yesterday on a project to be submitted tomorrow, takes away the essential part in between – ‘today’.

Art by Krushita Patel, Class XII C

The dialogue from the animated movie, “Kung Fu Panda” addresses this worry and teaches a big lesson through small words, “ Yesterday was History, Tomorrow is a mystery, but Today is a gift, and that’s why it’s called Present”.

There are only two billion seconds in an average human life and every second during which we dwell on the past, steals away from the present. Life is a blessing and we must make the most of it. There are times when we ponder endlessly about our future or fret on our mistakes but one must understand that life is unpredictable and no one knows what may happen tomorrow, so live today like it’s the only day of your life.

The best way to enjoy the present is to find peace and happiness in the small things we do and small things that happen around us. These are those perfect moments which are free of cost but give us immense joy. Life is so very short. It is important, no doubt, to focus on your career and achieve success but it is equally important to enjoy the journey.

Every day is like a blank slate waiting to be filled. Each day is a new beginning, so do all you can, to make it worth while. Live in the moment, do what you can today, don’t wait till tomorrow.

Like the tag line of a popular soft drink, “Oh ! yes abhi!”

Yes, abhi or RIGHT NOW is your moment ……………. seize it !

दो कविताएँ

सृष्टि शुक्ला, कक्षा आठवीं E, की दो कविताएँ 

१. “उमड़-घुमड़ कर आये बादल” 

उमड़-घुमड़ कर आये बादल,
काली घटा लाये बादल 
        बिजली से लदकर 
        पानी को भरकर 
        वर्षा लाये हैं ये बादल। 
        उमड़-घुमड़ कर आये बादल,
        काली घटा लाये बादल 
सूखी-सूखी धरती को चमकाने 
हरियाली फैलाने को आये हैं बादल। 
उमड़-घुमड़ कर आये बादल,
काली घटा लाये बादल 
        चमन को चन्दन सा महकाने
        चंपा, जूही, गुलाब खिलाने
        आये हैं ये बादल। 
        उमड़-घुमड़ कर आये बादल,
        काली घटा लाये बादल।

२. “दिवाली आई है”

        दिवाली आई है
        खुशियाँ लाई है 
अच्छाई ने बुराई पर, विजय पाई है। 
खिल उठा सारा जहां,
घर-घर में उजियाली छायी है
दिवाली आई है
        ढेरों मिठाइयां सबने बनवाईं हैं ,
        मोहल्लों, नगरों, रिश्तेदारों में बँटवाईं हैं। 
        दिवाली आई है
        खुशियाँ लाई है
चलो उठो ! नए कपडे पहनो, 
नाचो गाओ, बम पटाखे जलाओ 
लक्ष्मी माँ सबकी इच्छाएँ, पूरी करने आई हैं
दिवाली आई है
        चक्री , अनार , लड़ियाँ , फुलझड़ियाँ , सबने जलाई हैं।
        दिवाली आई है
        खुशियाँ लाई है

Guess the Girl!

A Poem by Vaidehi Partani, Class VIII-A

Once there was a girl, 
Naughty, sweet, beautiful girl.
She was the best of ones,
Now she is one in millions.
I still remember the time spent with her,
The precious time, the lovely time with her.
She made me eat spoons of sweet,
She made me drink cups of tea.
She even helped me in my problems,
She never said no to my problems.
She is like a wish to me,
Which always always comes true.
People say it is difficult to find a fairy,
But I’ve found this fairy.
She is just standing in front of me,
She is so much like me.
Guess the girl, who she is,
With perpetual positive thinking.
Guess the girl with whom I spend time,
With never negative thinking.
She is only and only…You!


चिरायु सोडाणी, कक्षा आठवी E 

राम और राज दोनों ही अच्छे दोस्त थे। दोनों हर काम एकसाथ करते थे।  साथ ही घूमते थे, साथ ही खेलते थे और साथ ही पढाई भी करते थे।  पर राज हमेशा सारे काम अधूरे ही करता था। जबकि राम अपने कार्य में बड़ा तत्पर था। उसका हर काम साफ़ सुथरा था। कभी कभी लगता था की दोनों दोस्त एक दूसरे से एकदम विपरीत हैं। पर थे दोनों सच्चे दोस्त। 

आठवी की अर्ध-वार्षिक परीक्षा में राज और राम दोनों ही अच्छे अंक नहीं ला पाये। कोई समझ नहीं पाया की राम के अंक कैसे कम हो गए। वह तो हर साल परीक्षा में अव्वल आता था। 

राम हार मानने वाला नहीं था।  उसने ठान लिया था की वह वार्षिक परीक्षा में अच्छा करेगा और अपने दोस्त से भी कराएगा। अपने से ज़्यादा उसे अपने दोस्त की चिंता हो रही थी। 

राम ने ये बात राज से भी कही। पर उसने ज़्यादा ध्यान नहीं दिया। किन्तु राम एक सच्चा दोस्त था। उसने राज को समझाया।  उसकी हिम्मत बढ़ाई। उसे जताया की वह भी राज का साथ देगा। अंत में अपने दोस्त के समझाने पर राज ने भी कोशिश करने की ठान ली। उसी दिन से दोनों दोस्त मेहनत में जुट गए। राम पूर्णावृत्ति का महत्व जानता था। उसमे भी उसने राज का साथ दिया। 

आज वार्षिक परीक्षा का फल मिलने वाला था। दोनों दोस्त अपने माता पिता के साथ परीक्षाफल लेने गये. उनकी अध्यापिका ने उनसे कहा की राम और राज ने तो जैसे कोई जादू कर दिया था। वे दोनों ही परीक्षा में अव्वल आये थे। 

दोनों दोस्त और उनके माता पिता, सभी खुश हुए। राम की तरह राज भी समझ चुका था की कोशिश करने से मनुष्य कुछ भी हासिल कर सकता है।


A poem on friendship by Ananya Vijayvargiya and Vinisha Shrimal of Class XII
How beautiful, how priceless
These fireflies in the darkness
How magical, how needful
This light of friendship in our lives

We became friends
We grew together
We became ambitious
We became dreamers
You held my hand
You walked with me
And we built our treehouse up on a tree.

Through thick and thin, through ups and downs
You made me smile amidst the frowns.
The laughs, the love, and sometimes tears
I got to learn the importance of peers

Smiles are infections, We catch ’em like the flue
When we are together, Laughter isn’t few
So lets watch these fireflies glow; for hours
I hope they remind you of me when we are far.

I remember football matches
I remember board games
The friendship bracelet I gave you / and the nicknames.

We look up at the sky
‘Aeroplane aeroplane’ – we shout so high
Birthdays we celebrated / Full of cheer
Like monkeys we all gathered
Yell, play, giggle – have fun every year

Fights that last morning to dawn
Wishing teachers singing the greeting song
Good morning teacher

Times we played zero-cross
Winning in the tips and tops
Snakes and ladders, ludo and dice
Hide and seek, water and ice
Friends make all games full of pleasure
They give happiness by being together
Moments of love and fun, teasing each other
Hope life will still be the same.
So lets watch these fireflies glow; for hours
I hope they remind you of me when we are far.

What is a friend?
Quite a number of things
Like a welcome ‘hello’ when the phone rings
A person who borrows and lends
There’s no return even when life ends

A friend in need is a friend indeed
Every moment shared is a divine treat
Friends care, friends share
They are the ones who are always there
No blood relation no bondage they bear
They are beyond compare
They share your grief when you cry,
And encourage you always to try

Friends can read your face and smile
It’s the warmth that makes you alive

Friends give you joy both great and small,
Friendship is simply above all.
So lets watch these fireflies glow; for hours
I hope they remind you of me when we are far.

Laughing, giggling together we sing
Through life’s hardships together we stand
Cuz this is what friendship is
Moving ahead altogether
Standing with each other, whatever time brings.

Making a friend takes a while
Being one takes a lifetime
True friendship lasts years
Fear of losing then brings tears

I feel grateful, I feel lucky
I feel complete to have you as my buddy
I value each gesture, I cherish every moment
No matter where life takes us
I will always be there
Be it today or tomorrow, I will always care

This is my ode to you, my friend
you’ll always be a blessing, a godsend
So lets watch these fireflies glow; for hours
I hope they remind you of me when we are far.