CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

Destiny an Illusion

Ananya Khandelwal, Class X D

Dictionary defines destiny as the necessary fate to which a person is destined. Destiny is a charm. Destiny is how we see the world. Destiny becomes our vision. So, that is the clichéd thought – if something is meant to happen, it will happen. But I say, it will not unless we work for it. Sitting in my comfort zone, waiting for a miracle to happen is my stupidity. Destiny doesn’t make things happen, you have to make things happen.
Let me share an incident. The other day, I was in school and I overheard a conversation between two seniors. They were talking about the IIT topper from school.
First senior: “___ had a superb result!”
Second senior: “Well, it was her destiny. This was written in her fate. Wish we were so lucky.”
Co-incidentally, I happen to know that girl who topped. She was diagnosed with dyslexia when she was younger. But of course, not a lot of people knew about it. She was nevertheless, a very focused and determined girl. She was extremely hard working. When people around her were dejected, she refused to give up. She worked, worked and worked. The hard work she put in is unbelievable. When I overheard the conversation of my seniors, I thought, ‘She wrote her own destiny and that has made all the difference to her life.’
We are all born the same. Then why do we die differently? Some die rich, some die poor? Some die making a difference to the society but some die, just another brick in the wall.
Our lives are in only our hand, we shape it. The phrase ‘god’s will’ is a metaphor. It is our will which is supreme and divine. We are in charge of our destiny.
And what is destiny, I ask. Destiny is how you feel about yourself and what matters to you the most. If you choose happiness over success, then happiness will be your destiny and nobody has the power to change it, not even god. So, before believing in destiny, believe in yourself. You will make all the difference in your live, not your destiny.

I rest my case quoting William Shakespeare – ‘the fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves.’

Learning Resource Centre

Gaurav Singh, Library Manager

As we hear the word “Library” a picture comes to our mind – a silent place with pin-drop silence, lots of books and a librarian with scary looks, but now the things have changed, and library is no more a place for only books but the library has converted in to a learning resource centre/ Library Resource Centre.
Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is a term which is used in the United Kingdom to describe a type of library that exists within an educational setting such as Secondary Schools, Further Education Colleges and Universities. LRC can also stand for Library Resource Centre and in some cases Learning Resource Centre has been shortened to Learning Centre.
Learning Resource Centers are similar to Hybrid library. Now, as a Learning Resource Centre, Libraries not only contain traditional educational resources such as books, journals, software and audio/visual materials, but they also exist to promote electronic information resources. Examples of these are electronic journals, databases, free websites and other web based resources. The traditional librarian’s role has been replaced with the LRC Manager who is an Information Professional.

Knowledge is growing at a fast pace and everyone wants to be up-to-date. Library Resource Centre can provide guidance with the right material made available efficiently and in a time-saving manner. Library Resource Centres are now a place for students to not only develop their reading habit but also gather information, inculcate ideas, and develop knowledge that is so essential to functioning successfully in today’s information and knowledge based society.

Childhood – 2 poems

Tanya Gupta, Class X B

Childhood is the age of making merry,
In which there is no stress and no worry.
It is a time full of joy,
Where we fight even for a small toy.
We laugh, sing and dance,
And to play mischief, look for a chance.
We crawl, fall and learn,
And become bold and stern.
Childhood is the age of making merry,
In which there is no stress and no worry.
We eat chocolates and play all night,
Which gives us a lot of delight.
We enjoy going to school,
And think it is cool.
Childhood is the age of making merry,

In which there is no stress and no worry.

Vagmi Shah, Class X B
The best days of a person’s life,
There isn’t anyone who has any strife.
These are the days of one’s childhood,
As beautiful as they could.
Childhood is the time,
When all women and men,
Are peaceful in mind and pure of heart
Right from the start.
Spirited, cheerful and full of energy,
Unknown to any tragedy.
Children are truly a gift from above,
To cherish and to love.
Childhood is when there are no tensions
About assignments and pensions.
A more carefree life couldn’t be
Than childhood, to me.
This is a wonderful imaginative world,
Where one can fly on the back of a bird.
A world where the child
Can make her house in the wild
And still live happily ever after
Where her dreams reside.
Childhood is oblivious
It can never be vicious
The beauty of this time

Cannot be expressed in a line.