CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254

The Nature of Art

What can you say to describe ‘Art’ in a word?
I would love to call it an expression. An expression of our thoughts and ideas through painting, writing, singing, dancing, sculpting, composing, playing, cooking and many other indulgence. It is just–an expression. We articulate our invisible thoughts into visible shapes where they can be seen and sensed, and can sensitize minds other than our own. For me Art is truly the language of my soul.
Our life as we see at a moment, is an expression of art. Myriad moments combine to make our beautiful existence- a unique invaluable masterpiece created by the master craftsman-the greatest artist of all times. Art is present in everything we see, feel, touch, taste or hear around us. It can rupture all our senses with ecstasy if we keep the doors within ourselves open.
The tiny drops of dew that rest on the shafts of green grass, the paintings on frail butterfly wings, the medley of the cooing birds, the gurgling streams and the rustling breeze, the tailoring skills of the weaver bird, the sweetest honey in the hives of bees, the fluffy clouds floating gleefully in pristine blue sky, the colourful flowers swaying to and fro enchanting the air with its fragrance, the angelic smile on a child’s face are all impeccable exhibits of art.
Art is immaculate, it is pure. Purity is the emblem of art. Art is everywhere, enveloping us tenderly like a thick warm blanket. It is all inclusive, it is unconditional and absolute. It permeates through the pores of air, dissolves in vapour and fills our lungs with the spirit of life. Remember, the nature of art is elusive and playful. The moment you try to hold it tight assuming that you own it, it vanishes into nothingness and will suddenly appear at the most unexpected hours to tickle you again.
So whenever you think of art my friend, whenever you feel like expressing the art of your soul, try to find art in the most ordinary and simplest of things you see around you. Do not confine yourself within a room expecting your miracle to happen but rather spread your wings and reach the sky to embrace the gush of fresh air, breathe in deep and take in all. Miracles will happen before you know it.