CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254 Mandatory Public DisclosureJhalaria Campus North Campus
CBSE Affiliation No. 1031254


Life is a crazy ride,
Just moving side by side.
Life is gone within the wink of an eye,
No matter when and where we die.

Life, believe me is not a dream,
That is not bitter as neem.
Life has ups and downs,
But never greet it with frowns.

God has given life to us,
Do not let it rust.
Our life is not just for us alone,
But for the world to own.

Life tastes sweet, salty, sour, bitter,
But you should always shine like glitter.
Life will come to an end one day,
So say all the things your heart wants to say.

A Dream on Mars

The best astronauts – Darcy Smith and Claudia Brown were again trying to get to Mars. They had their oxygen cylinders and heavy suits on their body. “Are we really going to walk on Mars?” “Yes, a big yes, Darcy,” replied Claudia. The year was 2030.

For over 10 years both Darcy and Claudia had been researching about Mars. As they landed, they felt their dream had come true and both were ready for experiments and inspections. They were there looking for any clue they could find. 

“Look I have found something!” said Darcy. “What is it?” Claudia rushed inside a little cave and found Darcy staring at a human skeleton. She could also see a wall on which were inscribed four words….


That was just frightening. What justice, when justice, how justice. Couldn’t find that. The thing which was annoying was – ‘What are we going to do?’ They thought for a moment—Justice to a skeleton, why? Just then they saw a note written on an iron block in golden letters-

How to get back home:

First take the shining book from the cave and lay it on the ground. Open it to page 11 and write your love to me and mention the names of your beloved family. Then press your finger on the page and throw away all the pages out of the planet except the page on which you have written.

Your great-great grandfather.

This was highly mysterious. Whose great-great grandfather? Why did he want to get his grandchild home. Where was home? Now they were confused but not waiting a single minute, they took the shining book and turned to page 11 as given in the instructions. And to their astonishment, the page had been filled up! They also found a fingerprint, pressed in blue ink. They threw all the pages except the one on which something was written, maybe that would be love written to the grandfather and the mention of the names of someone’s family members. Whose family? “Maybe that person’s who was lying in the cave.” said Darcy. But what justice? OH! It was so confusing but just then a loud crackling sound came from a door which opened near them. 

An old man came out and said “Hello”. It was indeed shocking for the astronauts, to find an old man living on Mars.

It was like both Darcy and Claudia had been waiting for this moment but they didn’t actually know! They were welcomed into the magnificent house with some hot soup and creamy refros. Refros was a dish, as the old man informed them, a common food that they would make almost every day in the evening. “This would keep us warm and healthy and keep us fit”, the old man said. After refreshing themselves, they finally asked the old man’s name and how he lived on Mars. 

He replied, “My name’s Luis Williams and I live here because my ancestors, who lived billions of years ago, found some technology which could help us survive underground on Mars.”

“Sir Luis, was the person whose skeleton lay in the cave, your grandchild?” asked Claudia. “Dear girl, yes, she – Lauren was my granddaughter, she met with a storm from the sun and died. But it was written in our family book that if anyone in our family dies, we would have to wait for someone to come and give the skeleton to us, we couldn’t ourselves take the skeleton to revive our family member.” 

“Does that mean you can bring your granddaughter back to life?” asked both of them in union. “Yes, and now please give me the skeleton,” said Luis. As he revived the girl, the skeleton gleamed and her stylish hair, beautiful dress and overwhelming smile shone brightly. She came back to life.

But that moment soon disappeared and Darcy and Claudia were bought back to earth by some kind of strong force. Though numerous unanswered questions remained in Darcy and Claudia’s minds, they never ever forget this memorable moment in their lives!

Autobiography of a Dove

My life story is different from that of the rest, as it didn’t start in the nest. I was in an oval egg in the nest made by my mother and father. But when lightning struck I fell into a deep burrow. In the burrow lived a hare family which was very kind. When they saw my egg, they decided to take me as their own. 

I hatched early from my egg, as the burrow was very warm and cozy. My mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandma, and grandpa took good care of me. They thought that I would grow into a beautiful dove. But I thought that I belonged there, as we all were white. 

There were many incidents when I was happy, sad, angry, and excited, but I was very depressed when a wild cobra (snake) came inside the burrow. He killed my grandmom, ate her, and slithered away. My family could do nothing but weep.

When I was a baby dove, I was naughty too. Whenever my neighbors Mr.Zozo and Mrs. Zozo visited, I would bite them with my beak. As a baby, I never knew how to fly. My family kept a secret from me and my siblings. I would go to R.K.A.S which was the “Rabbit Kindergarten and School.” We would have lots of fun learning to do tricks and Rabath (maths). I grew up and one day time came for me to leave school. The weird thing was that I was still not named.

One day, when I went back home, my mom said that my birthday was the next day. I got excited but at the same time I was sad as it suddenly occurred to me that I was different. Then she decided to tell me the whole story; I was shocked and felt dizzy. I wondered how beautiful an animal I would be. Then she gave me motivation and told me to flap my wings and to go above the burrow to see the beautiful world…

I then flapped my wings and flew all over the Jungle…. My mother gave me the name Sky… And told me to search for my real mother, while saying that she started crying. I stopped her from crying and gave her a huge hug. The next day she took me to the nest where I was supposed to have lived. We did not find anyone there. But I am still looking. When I find my original family, I’ll tell mom and dad that I would live with them but I would like my chicks to stay in the burrow. 

I think my life is the most different and the most splendid ever!

Point of View

A raindrop plopped on my nose
I raised my gaze up to the grey sky
I opened my umbrella, I offered you one, too
But you shook your head no, I wonder why?

As you smiled and danced and twirled
The rain grew harsh and cold
I sulked and complained about the horrible weather
I couldn’t stand it anymore

So, I ran under a parking shed
And watched the rain soak everything wet
I shivered as cold crawled up my spine
But you danced there, looking alright

I frowned at the storm, waiting for it to stop
You ran towards me and pointed at a rainbow
But all I could see were pale grey clouds
And the flaring rain crying with sorrow

You pulled me into the terrible showers
We were standing in the same rain
But I couldn’t understand why you were delighted
By this thunderstorm that caused me only pain

I followed your footsteps and
Set my umbrella aside for a minute
I laughed and twirled like you were doing
When I realized ‘The world morphs into how you see it.’

My Brother

My brother sleeps a bit,
then creeps a bit,
then beeps a bit,
then he leaps a bit.
He is a lad,
he is sometimes bad,
he is definitely mad,
but is never sad.
He behaves like a chimp,
and he caws,
and then he baws,
I don’t know he does it
He thinks he’s a knight,
but first he should gain weight and height.
He is very stiff and vibrant,
I don’t know why this boy is so
My brother is such a dunce
I think because he plays with my guns.
I love my brother so much,
Much more than the population of
Rann of Kuchh!

The Dawn

The year is 2030. Humanity has made a lot of technological advancements in the past decade. For one, the first few astronauts have landed on Mars, achieving what was hitherto thought to be impossible. The landing was telecasted all over the world, with mission control on their toes. As the rocket touched down on mars, the whole world took a sigh of relief. The four astronauts, Elbert Riley, Ruth Barlow, Harry Parks and Simone Holt had landed safely! Once in their spacesuits, the astronauts stepped out on the rough terrain. Guided by a flashlight held by each of them, the astronauts made their way into a cave they could see at a distance. Once they were inside, Ruth let out a gasp. As the remaining three turned around, a horrifying sight met their eyes. A human skeleton lay there, with four words over it, written in blood. “Run. They are coming.” 

At that very moment, the astronauts heard a loud, thumping noise as it grew closer. All of them slowly turned around to the dark entrance to the deeper parts of the cave. A gigantic creature, almost 20 feet tall emerged. The creature had 3 eyes, and it looked quite furious. Four similar creatures emerged, making the astronauts fear for their lives. The gigantic creatures’ voices boomed in the cave like electronic thunder. ”Leave and don’t come back.” The inbuilt translators translated. The astronauts rushed out from the cave, and hid behind the wall of a gigantic crater. “We can’t immediately take off, we need to prepare the rocket”, said Simone. The astronauts slowly crept to the rocket, made the necessary preparations, climbed into the rocket and blasted off mars.

In the following few decades, multiple such excursions were sent to Venus and other planets. On every planet, the results were the same. The creatures turned out to be the guardians of each planet, and they chased the humans away every time as they didn’t want the humans to hurt and destroy their planet.

As time passed, Earth started becoming uninhabitable. We ran out of water, food was scarce and oxygen was rare. We urgently needed a new home. This home could be another planet. Due to this, humans signed an intergalactic treaty with all other life forms. The terms said that we could live on any habitable planet we wanted and no other life form than humans could visit the earth. But there was a catch. We could not hurt the planet in any way. If we did, we would have to leave immediately and find a new home planet.  Earth had now become a pilgrimage spot. Every few decades, humans would visit their mother planet with pure reverence in their heart. 

On one of these trips, the pilgrims got off the space shuttle and were flabbergasted to find a lush, green and thriving forest staring back at them! Long extinct birds, mammoths and other animals now roamed our once barren planet! Our dear Earth had recovered. Our civilization was now allowed to live on our home planet on the same terms as the intergalactic treaty: No harming the planet! If you do, you’re forced to leave! Good luck finding another welcoming alien species!

Our once planetary civilization was now an interstellar one. Space shuttles roamed around in space and, never thought I would say this, we had to come up with a galactic traffic management system!

The Mars landing in 2030 was indeed one step for man and a giant leap for mankind.